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Instructions for presenting authors

Oral presentations

  • The presentation time is 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for discussion.
  • Provided in the lecture hall will be: a Windows computer with Microsoft PowerPoint and PDF reader software, a projector and screen, a wireless remote control for presentations with a laser pointer, and a wireless microphone.
  • The organizers do not guarantee that you will be able to connect your own computer.
  • Uploading presentations to computers in conference rooms will be possible from Wednesday, September 18th, at 8.00 and on subsequent days in the morning before the conference sessions begin. Please bring your presentation on a USB drive and upload the presentation no later than before the start of your session.

Poster presentations

  • The poster boards will be 99 cm wide and 120 cm high. We recommend a poster format A0 (84.1 cm × 118.9 cm).
  • Adhesive tapes for attaching posters will be available on-site.
  • The poster boards will be available on Thursday, September 19th, from 8.00. Please place your posters no later than during the lunch break.
  • Please take down your posters the same day by 18.30. After that time, the posters will be removed and destroyed by the organizers.

Conference logo

You can use the conference logo in your presentation or your poster.
The logo is available for download here.